Bibliotecas úteis para robótica
Há algum tempo atrás eu estava olhando algumas ferramentas úteis para robótica e resolvi postar os comentários e algumas informações sobre as mesmas:
Orocos - Open Robot Control Software
" “ Orocos ” is the acronym of the Open Robot Control Software project. The project's aim is to develop a general-purpose, free software, and modular framework for robot and machine control.
Comentário: É um framework baseado em componentes, ou seja, a utilização é bem alto nível. Teoricamente, pode ser utilizado para robôs móveis e humanóides, mas realmente me pareceu que atualmente é mais utilizado em manipuladores.
Eu olhei alguns manuais e realmente me pareceu uma plataforma muito promissora.
LAAS Open Software for Autonomous Systems
"These pages contain the collection of software that was developped at LAAS/CNRS for the Architecture for Autonomous Systems project. All together, the software provided here tackle the study and design of autonomous machines integrating perception, action and reasoning capabilities.
As of now, we have released only a very little subset of what we would ideally see here. There is a great difference between a software used internally and one that is publicly available: the latter must be sufficiently documented and easy to use so that users give it at least a try. This effort requires time. So as time will go on, you might see more and more interresting software appearing..."
MARIE - Mobile and Autonomous Robotics Integration Environment
"MARIE is a free software tool using a component-based approach to build robotics software systems by integrating previously-existing and new software components."
Exemplo de aplicação utilizando a plataforma (muito interessante):
Comentário: A aplicação-exemplo mostra que é uma plataforma bem poderosa.
Componentes que estão integrados no MARIE (vale a pena conferir):
CARMEM - Robot Navigation Toolkit
"CARMEN, the Carnegie Mellon Robot Navigation Toolkit. CARMEN is an open-source collection of software for mobile robot control. CARMEN is modular software designed to provide basic navigation primitives including: base and sensor control, logging, obstacle avoidance, localization, path planning, and mapping."
Liguagem utilizada: C
Comentário: Simplesmente vale a pena conferir!
"CHAI 3D is an open source, freely available set of C++ libraries for computer haptics, visualization and interactive real-time simulation."
Comentário: Não cheguei a olhar com muito critério.
The CAS Robot Navigation Toolbox
"What is it?
# A GNU GPL licenced Matlab toolbox for robot localization and mapping
# Made for research and education
# Independent on the type(s) of feature
# Independent on the type(s) of sensors
# Imports a number of data file formats from any sensor
# Plug in and out your feature extraction, odometry model, data association strategy, etc.
# Plug in and out your SLAM or Localization approach
# Comes with a number of useful tools and functions"
Comentário: Não cheguei a olhar, mas me pareceu bem interessante.
"SceneLib is a generic SLAM library in principle, with a modular approach to specification of the details of robot and sensor types. However it also has specialised components to permit real-time vision-based SLAM with a single camera (MonoSLAM) and the design is optimised towards this type of application."
Comentário: Bem, SLAM com apenas uma câmera para mim sempre foi um grande atrativo. Uma biblioteca que faz isso de forma eficiente sempre deve ser levada em consideração.
Robot Control C Library (RCCL)
"RCCL is a library of C routines for doing real-time control and graphic simulation of a number of industrial robots, primarily PUMAs"
Comentário: Não possui suporte e pelo visto só serve para manipuladores.
Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB (Release 7)
"The Robotics Toolbox provides many functions that are useful in robotics such as kinematics, dynamics, and trajectory generation. The Toolbox is useful for simulation as well as analyzing results from experiments with real robots."
Comentário: Creio que seja só para manipuladores, mas de qualquer forma é uma toolbox para o Matlab.
"Enki is a fast 2D physics-based robot simulator written in C++. It is able to simulate cinematics, collisions, sensors and cameras of robots evolving on a flat surface. It also provides limited support for friction. It is able to simulate groups of robots hundred times faster than realtime on a modern desktop computer."
Comentário: Merece uma avaliação mais aprimorada.
Opensim - A 3D Simulator for autonomous robots
"Most experimental AI/robotics research involves a simulation component. Typical simulations involve very simplified environments - often 2D environments with polygonal objects and circular robots. The aim of this project is to create a tool for higher-fidelity real-time simulations of autonomous mobile robots. Real-time simulation also allows hardware-in-the-loop simulations.
We're working toward a 3D simulator that uses OpenGL for real-time rendering of the robot environment as realistically as possible. We're also interested in having a physics engine to simulate dynamics in real-time (collision between arbitrary polyhedral objects with friction)."
Comentário: Apresenta algumas coisas interessantes (criação de ambientes, detecção de colisão, etc);
"The OpenSceneGraph is an OpenSource, cross platform graphics toolkit for the development of high performance graphics applications such as flight simulators, games, virtual reality and scientific visualization. Based around the concept of a SceneGraph, it provides an object oriented framework on top of OpenGL freeing the developer from implementing and optimizing low level graphics calls, and provides many additional utilities for rapid development of graphics applications."
Comentário: Não olhei com muito critério, mas acho que vale a pena dar uma olhada melhor.
Open Dynamic Engine
"ODE is an open source, high performance library for simulating rigid body dynamics. It is fully featured, stable, mature and platform independent with an easy to use C/C++ API. It has advanced joint types and integrated collision detection with friction. ODE is useful for simulating vehicles, objects in virtual reality environments and virtual creatures. It is currently used in many computer games, 3D authoring tools and simulation tools."
Comentário: Eu dei uma olhada nos exemplos. O realismo dos modelos físicos é impressionante.
DROS - Dave´s Robotic Operating System
"DROS stands for Dave's Robotic Operating System and it is basic software modules needed for robotics. At the moment, the framework consists mainly of support functions for modular programming and modules for mobile robots. However, in the future the scope should expand and, of course, contributions are most welcome."
Comentário: A idéia me pareceu boa, mas parece que o projeto ainda está em uma fase bem preliminar.
Khepera Simulator Homepage
" Khepera Simulator is a freeware package allowing to develop controllers for the mobile robot Khepera using C or C++ languages. It includes an environment editor and a graphical user interface. Moreover, if you own a Khepera robot, you will be able to switch very easily between the simulated robot and the real one. It is mainly destinated to teaching and research in autonomous agents."
Linguagem utilizada: C ou C++
Comentário: Vi alguns screenshots e pareceu ser bem interessante. Roda somente em Unix e necessita da biblioteca X11.
The Robotics WebBook
Comentário: Livro que segue a mesma filosofia de software livre. Teoricamente o conteúdo submetido passa por uma aceitação prévia da comunidade e finalmente por uma comissão, tal como numa conferência. O site promete que o conteúdo seja "Phd oriented".
Orocos - Open Robot Control Software
" “ Orocos ” is the acronym of the Open Robot Control Software project. The project's aim is to develop a general-purpose, free software, and modular framework for robot and machine control.
A framework is a set of source code from which applications in a particular domain can be made [Johnson97]). So, the framework is not an application in itself, but it provides the infrastructure and the functionalities to build applications in C++.
Usually, application builders must fill in some “hot spots” that are specific to their application, and hence, which cannot be provided by the framework.
Orocos works in a “bottom-up” fashion, so current activities are currently more focused on developing basic infrastructure than on implementing advanced control, planning or sensor processing algorithms."
Linguagem: basicamente C++;Comentário: É um framework baseado em componentes, ou seja, a utilização é bem alto nível. Teoricamente, pode ser utilizado para robôs móveis e humanóides, mas realmente me pareceu que atualmente é mais utilizado em manipuladores.
Eu olhei alguns manuais e realmente me pareceu uma plataforma muito promissora.
LAAS Open Software for Autonomous Systems
"These pages contain the collection of software that was developped at LAAS/CNRS for the Architecture for Autonomous Systems project. All together, the software provided here tackle the study and design of autonomous machines integrating perception, action and reasoning capabilities.
As of now, we have released only a very little subset of what we would ideally see here. There is a great difference between a software used internally and one that is publicly available: the latter must be sufficiently documented and easy to use so that users give it at least a try. This effort requires time. So as time will go on, you might see more and more interresting software appearing..."
- Possui alguns módulos que pertencem ao Orocos;
- GDHE: "Gdhe is a tool for 3D visualization of robotics applications.
It is totally programmable using the Tcl/Tk scripting language. It uses the OpenGL library to display the 3D primitives". Pelo visto é uma ferramenta que auxilia nas simulações 3D.
MARIE - Mobile and Autonomous Robotics Integration Environment
"MARIE is a free software tool using a component-based approach to build robotics software systems by integrating previously-existing and new software components."
Exemplo de aplicação utilizando a plataforma (muito interessante):
Comentário: A aplicação-exemplo mostra que é uma plataforma bem poderosa.
Componentes que estão integrados no MARIE (vale a pena conferir):
CARMEM - Robot Navigation Toolkit
"CARMEN, the Carnegie Mellon Robot Navigation Toolkit. CARMEN is an open-source collection of software for mobile robot control. CARMEN is modular software designed to provide basic navigation primitives including: base and sensor control, logging, obstacle avoidance, localization, path planning, and mapping."
Liguagem utilizada: C
Comentário: Simplesmente vale a pena conferir!
"CHAI 3D is an open source, freely available set of C++ libraries for computer haptics, visualization and interactive real-time simulation."
Comentário: Não cheguei a olhar com muito critério.
The CAS Robot Navigation Toolbox
"What is it?
# A GNU GPL licenced Matlab toolbox for robot localization and mapping
# Made for research and education
# Independent on the type(s) of feature
# Independent on the type(s) of sensors
# Imports a number of data file formats from any sensor
# Plug in and out your feature extraction, odometry model, data association strategy, etc.
# Plug in and out your SLAM or Localization approach
# Comes with a number of useful tools and functions"
Comentário: Não cheguei a olhar, mas me pareceu bem interessante.
"SceneLib is a generic SLAM library in principle, with a modular approach to specification of the details of robot and sensor types. However it also has specialised components to permit real-time vision-based SLAM with a single camera (MonoSLAM) and the design is optimised towards this type of application."
Comentário: Bem, SLAM com apenas uma câmera para mim sempre foi um grande atrativo. Uma biblioteca que faz isso de forma eficiente sempre deve ser levada em consideração.
Robot Control C Library (RCCL)
"RCCL is a library of C routines for doing real-time control and graphic simulation of a number of industrial robots, primarily PUMAs"
Comentário: Não possui suporte e pelo visto só serve para manipuladores.
Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB (Release 7)
"The Robotics Toolbox provides many functions that are useful in robotics such as kinematics, dynamics, and trajectory generation. The Toolbox is useful for simulation as well as analyzing results from experiments with real robots."
Comentário: Creio que seja só para manipuladores, mas de qualquer forma é uma toolbox para o Matlab.
"Enki is a fast 2D physics-based robot simulator written in C++. It is able to simulate cinematics, collisions, sensors and cameras of robots evolving on a flat surface. It also provides limited support for friction. It is able to simulate groups of robots hundred times faster than realtime on a modern desktop computer."
Comentário: Merece uma avaliação mais aprimorada.
Opensim - A 3D Simulator for autonomous robots
"Most experimental AI/robotics research involves a simulation component. Typical simulations involve very simplified environments - often 2D environments with polygonal objects and circular robots. The aim of this project is to create a tool for higher-fidelity real-time simulations of autonomous mobile robots. Real-time simulation also allows hardware-in-the-loop simulations.
We're working toward a 3D simulator that uses OpenGL for real-time rendering of the robot environment as realistically as possible. We're also interested in having a physics engine to simulate dynamics in real-time (collision between arbitrary polyhedral objects with friction)."
Comentário: Apresenta algumas coisas interessantes (criação de ambientes, detecção de colisão, etc);
"The OpenSceneGraph is an OpenSource, cross platform graphics toolkit for the development of high performance graphics applications such as flight simulators, games, virtual reality and scientific visualization. Based around the concept of a SceneGraph, it provides an object oriented framework on top of OpenGL freeing the developer from implementing and optimizing low level graphics calls, and provides many additional utilities for rapid development of graphics applications."
Comentário: Não olhei com muito critério, mas acho que vale a pena dar uma olhada melhor.
Open Dynamic Engine
"ODE is an open source, high performance library for simulating rigid body dynamics. It is fully featured, stable, mature and platform independent with an easy to use C/C++ API. It has advanced joint types and integrated collision detection with friction. ODE is useful for simulating vehicles, objects in virtual reality environments and virtual creatures. It is currently used in many computer games, 3D authoring tools and simulation tools."
Comentário: Eu dei uma olhada nos exemplos. O realismo dos modelos físicos é impressionante.
DROS - Dave´s Robotic Operating System
"DROS stands for Dave's Robotic Operating System and it is basic software modules needed for robotics. At the moment, the framework consists mainly of support functions for modular programming and modules for mobile robots. However, in the future the scope should expand and, of course, contributions are most welcome."
Comentário: A idéia me pareceu boa, mas parece que o projeto ainda está em uma fase bem preliminar.
Khepera Simulator Homepage
" Khepera Simulator is a freeware package allowing to develop controllers for the mobile robot Khepera using C or C++ languages. It includes an environment editor and a graphical user interface. Moreover, if you own a Khepera robot, you will be able to switch very easily between the simulated robot and the real one. It is mainly destinated to teaching and research in autonomous agents."
Linguagem utilizada: C ou C++
Comentário: Vi alguns screenshots e pareceu ser bem interessante. Roda somente em Unix e necessita da biblioteca X11.
The Robotics WebBook
Comentário: Livro que segue a mesma filosofia de software livre. Teoricamente o conteúdo submetido passa por uma aceitação prévia da comunidade e finalmente por uma comissão, tal como numa conferência. O site promete que o conteúdo seja "Phd oriented".